Contact Us

You are a Retail store / brand and you want to post your sale/offer ?

Feel free, coz it is FREE, because we believe in open and free information sharing provided it is
1.Genuine, 2.Interesting, 3.Matches our site and audience, 4.Subject to Editorial Review.

And it is simple, just email the following details to

1. Outlet/Brand name
2. Sale/Offer start date and end date
3. Headline (5 to 10 words)
4. Description (10 to 50 words)
5. Locations (outlets where the offer is on)
6. Optional - Promotion Flyer / Image (portrait layout is ideal)
7. Optional - Associated Catalog if available ( A .pdf file, or the URL if your catalog is online)
* We may need to verify or clarify the information. So pls remember to include your contact details

You are an Online Deal Site and you want to link up ?

Send us an email with your website URL and contact info and we'll get back to you after review

Other Queries, Suggestions, Comments ... ?

Welcome.. drop us an email at